WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The US Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR) has learned of information indicating Iraq’s Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, directed by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei through Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, is preparing to commit another massacre in Camp Ashraf imminently.

The US Government must act swiftly and decisively now to warn Maliki against any attacks, secure the release of 7 residents who were taken hostage on September 1st by the Iraqi Forces, and condemn the Maliki Government for last Sunday’s massacre.
Emboldened by the utter absence of a firm reaction by the US government and President Obama to the massacre of 52 unarmed residents of Camp Ashraf last Sunday, Maliki and his Iranian cohorts intend to continue with their initial plan of exterminating all Camp Ashraf residents and execute the survivors. The plan’s next phase is to massacre the residents of Camp Liberty.
The Maliki Government has viewed the US Government’s inexplicable and cowardly silence and inaction since last Sunday as a green light for “finishing the job” at camps Ashraf and Liberty.
Since 2004, US Administrations, time after time, have given their written commitments to protect the unarmed and defenseless residents of Camp Ashraf who were given the “Protected Persons” status under the Fourth Geneva Convention by the United States.
The Iraqi Government has given an ultimatum to the residents of Camp Ashraf until tomorrow. The US government is undoubtedly aware of Iraq’s plan for the impending massacre and, therefore, its refusal to act would make it complicit in any further bloodshed. The families of the residents of Camp Ashraf hold the United States Government directly responsible for any harm done to their loved ones.
As many Members of Congress have said over the past week, any US aid to Iraq must be cut off immediately until and unless Iraq adheres to its international commitments and until all the perpetrators of massacre at Camp Ashraf are identified and brought to justice.
Since January 2011, some 3000 residents of Camp Ashraf, all political refugees, have been transferred to Camp Liberty to be re-settled in third countries. Some 100 residents remained behind according to a quadripartite agreement between the US, the UN, Iraq, and the residents to oversee the properties of the residents.
SOURCE U.S. Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR)